Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muha
Abubakar III
Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji
Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar
III has frowned on the way
Muslims were being tagged
as fundamentalists in the
country, saying suicide
bombers were not
representing Islam but
were mere criminals, who
should be dealt with
according to the laws of the

Speaking during a dinner
with journalists in his
palace in Sokoto on Sunday
night, the monarch stated
that Islam abhorred
terrorism and the taking of
life of innocent people
without due process,
adding that there was no
plan whatsoever to
emasculate any religion in
the North.

The Sultan maintained that
there was no compulsion in
religion, and as such, no
true Muslim would use
force to compel others to
convert to Islam.

“So, if anybody wants to
wage a war to compel
others to convert to Islam
whereas Almighty Allah said
in the Holy Quran that there
is no compulsion in religion,
then that person is not a
true Muslim and not acting
for Islam.

“Therefore, I want to call on
all those who think that
what is happening in the
North in particular is a plan
to exterminate other
religions, to have a rethink
because there is no plan to
emasculate any religion.

“It is indeed sad that
Muslims are being tagged
as terrorists in the media in
this country. I have never
heard of Christian terrorists
but all we hear in the media
is Muslim terrorists, when it
happens to be a Muslim.

This issue is everywhere in
the world where people are
tagged Islamic

“As long as we continue to
label other people
negatively because of the
religion they belong to or
certain activities being done
by a particular religion, then
we will continue to have a
problem. Why not treat such
terrorists as common
criminals and deal with
them according to the laws
of the land?” the monarch


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