I am married to perhaps the most beautiful woman on planet earth and we are blessed with two boys. I neither drink nor or smoke but i love women. they are my greatest weakness.  its really a problem for me because i keep a string of women who i sleep with when i feel like. 

I actually cried one day when i examined my life. i have gone for several deliverance sessions to get rid of this lust in me but each time a pretty woman just walks by my whole system just shuts down like Alan Harper (two and a half men) and the ladies dont mind when i ask them out. i just cant understand it. they know am married yet they dont mind sleeping with me.
i considered castration. so i spoke to my doctor who completely disagreed with me and asked i discuss with my wife. i am too scared to discuss it with my wife cos i know she would resist.  
i want to be holy and pure so that i dont go to church and see all the ladies i have slept with .. the guilt is too much for me to bear..
What i do?has anyone tackled such problem and scaled through without castrating themselves?

*Castrating yourself means cutting of your manhood?wow!
Your mind is where the problem lies,if you can discipline your mind,you can see a naked woman and you will not have an erection....well,you might have one but disciplining your mind will help you look and move on...good luck.

Any one experience and advice?


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