In a statement issued in Lagos on Thursday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said asking the CBN Governor to step down, on the basis of a mere allegation that he leaked the letter he wrote to the President, over the unremitted $49.8 billion oil revenue, does not bode well for an economy that is already on crutches.
It warned that any move to suspend Sanusi and use security forces to prevent him from entering his office, as reported by the media, will even be worse, because it will mean that the President is willing to circumvent the provision of the law that the Governor of the CBN can only be removed by two-thirds of the Senate membership.
APC also said suspending Sanusi will be a replay of the damage that President Jonathan did to the judiciary when he suspended Salami until his retirement, and he could easily re-enact such scenario if, for example, he feels that the INEC Chairman has offended him.
”Our worry here is that the President should not destroy our institutions before he leaves office,” the party said. [Vanguard]
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